A seemingly horror tale that serves to be a cautionary story of joint tenancy, abuse and escape to safe haven. The example of psychological horror drama thriller film tells a story of how a mom and her two daughters were ambushed in their own condominium in Selangor by murderous intruders, their own relative. While most of the time you can walk away from relationship, it is not so straightforward when it comes to property matters with a family member, joint tenancy.
Under a joint tenancy agreement, two individuals agree to jointly own a property. While this is the most common method of ownership as it cost less, a joint tenancy exposes one family member to the financial risks, liabilities and other problems.
Precautionary actions you should take if you have
jointly-own a property with a toxic family member
If you are among the unlucky few who happen to jointly own a property with a toxic family member, here is what you should do:
1. Proper Documentation
To have a problematic joint tenant will likely cause a legal battle at some point. Thus, you will need to have proper documentation in case it does end up in court. This also includes whatever payments that you have been paying whether for up keeping of the home, property taxes, utility bills and so on.
There are other useful documents that also include emails detailing a pattern of abuse, police reports and other documents to prove that the other party has not been doing their duty to pay up their part of the home mortgage. Having to keep all these documents ready every now and then will help bolster your case should it end up in court.
2. Speak to a Lawyer
When it comes to a joint tenancy agreement, the right of survivor-ship meaning that the other family member takes control of the whole property when the other party passed on in life. This situation can be very complicated and problematic when you are dealing with a family member who has not been paying their portion and abusive.
What we suggest is that speak to a lawyer on what your options are so that you can be fully prepared should there be death occur in the family anytime. Better be safe than sorry.
3. Less Reactive
The psychological of abusive person is that the person needs to be in control and instigating a fight is one such way of doing so. While it can be very difficult to not react when the other person is provoking you by shouting and accusing, you will need to realize that the other person is not acting rationally. By not reacting on it, you have taken away their power to push your buttons. So, stay cool and take the high road all the way. Call the police if the situation is worsen when the abuser starts behaving erratically.
4. Minimizing Contact
You can limit your contact with abuser by minimizing the frequency contact. This way you are ensuring your own safety and that things do not have the chance to escalate out of control. In order to steer away from any arguments, focus only on the points concerning the house. We strongly advise that do not get involve into the drama, you will be exhausted from the time and mental spent in fixing the drama.
5. Be Forgiving
Whatever that has happened, every individual deserves to be happy. Thus, when it comes to forgiveness, it is not for the other person but more for yourself. By learning to forgive, the other person no longer holds any power on you. You have the right to be treated with respect, to be safe and to wonderful life away from any abuser. Let go of the past, forgive but never forget.
6. Seek Help
The Ministry of Social and Family Development defines violence as physical injury, direct or indirect threats, sexual assault, emotional and psychological torment, damage to property, social isolation or any behaviour which causes the person to live in fear. While it is hard to believe that your own flesh and blood can turn against you but family violence is real. Malaysians can seek help through Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.
If you have any abusive family member who is abusive or know someone who is being abused, do not hesitate to call authorities.